Pomegranate Martini
Less than a week till the run and I have not been training at all. I blame the cold from hell, that I'm Still recovering from. However, I managed to get out there last night. And what a night it was! The moon was breathtaking, a waxing gibbous. I was able to do about 8 miles. Or maybe it was 9? Once I get over that first three, it's pretty easy. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't super fast, but I was moving. So, there's that! But after a run like that and after being almost completely immobile for a week-I totally pulled something in my leg and my neck. I'm not sure exactly how the neck muscle happened either. Thankfully, the run is only a little over 3 miles, but I wanted to get a good time. Ugh...At least it's by a beer garden afterwards. Obviously, priorities...
I have a short week this week and am super stoked. Although, I am jam packed this weekend, I hope to get a lot done around the house this week. However, it is Wednesday tomorrow. Which means, it's ladies night again. Even though, it seems to have turned into couples night this week. sigh...
Then today, I met the most beautiful man, ever! Too bad I don't know his name or really anything about him. I was pretty impressed the few words that did escape from my lips. He looked familiar, and with my friend coughing in his direction, and the realization that I literally dreamt about him a week ago-I managed to get a tiny conversation out. I was shaking even after he left. Give me a break-I'm out of practice! My friend who usually has no problem talking to anyone couldn't get much out at all. She blamed how good looking he is. And he Really is good looking! We can only pray that it's nice a little longer and maybe we'll see him out on his motorcycle again. He had a jaw line for days....RAWWWER!
Serves: One Sexy Single Lady
2 jiggers of Vodka
1/2 jigger of Pomegranate Juice (1 full jigger if you're a little of a wussy)
Splash of Cointreau
Squeeze of lime juice
Place all ingredients in shaker.
Best enjoyed while watching Ab Fab.
Enjoy, Sweetie Dahhrling!