Tropical Kiwi Pineapple Smoothie Bowl

Spring showers, bring May flowers?
We have been getting a lot of rain. Feels like the West Coast more like the Midwest. But, I have been reaping the rewards of the beginning of the fresh spring produce.
Although, it's not a lot (yet), I can already tell the difference at the stores. I am really looking forward to the farmer's market! But beggars, can't be choosers, right!? I'll take what I can get and more than happily.

I have 4 more weeks and 1 day till summer vacation. I am so beyond pumped, I don't even know how to put it into words. I have some major ideas of what I would like to accomplish during this break, but I am mostly looking forward to the simple things; bike rides, flea markets, painting, meditations in the park and hiking.
Looking back, it's been a tough year, but extremely spiritually enlightening. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned and the people I have met along the way this past year. I have gone through so much and am back to feeling even more centered and serene then I did last spring before shit hit the fan. As an ex used to say...I feel, "calm as fuck".
Life can be tough sometimes, but once it becomes all so clear it is really fucking beautiful.

With all of that, I have gone back to my spring/summer eating habits. I have been craving salads, stir-fries (or fries...kinda kidding) and smoothies. Lots of smoothies. I am currently working on some cashew "cheese" and made homemade seitan tonight, but was so pooped I decided to make a smoothie bowl since both items are both being currently worked on. Vegan food is extremely time consuming, but I have the time since it's raining!

So my mom asked me, "what IS a smoothie bowl?" Well. It's just a a bowl. So you can ditch the straw and make this baby as thick as you'd like. I also like to sprinkle pretty things on it, that if it was in a glass, you would get the health benefits, but would miss the beauty of it. I really like to eat with my eyes. Food is just another form of art to me, might as well make it pretty, am I right?

Serves: 2 Little Lovers staying in from the rain
3 Fresh Kiwis-skinned
1/2 Cup Frozen Pineapple
2 Frozen Bananas-Chopped
1 1/2 Cup FRESH Pineapple Juice
2 TBS Cold-Milled Organic Flaxseed
2 TBS Hemp Powder
1 Cup Frozen Spinach-Chopped
A sprinkle EACH of the following:
Hemp Seeds
Bee Pollen
Freeze Dried Raspberries
Chia Seeds
Cacao Nibs
Combine everything BUT the sprinkling of the pretty things. Blend well. I did blend without the spinach first and then dumped half into the bowls and then blended the rest with the spinach to get the ombre of the green color,but feel free to blend the smoothing ingredients all together. Then top with the extra sprinklings and serve right away.

Aphrodite wants a smoothie bowl. My little, Buddha Baby